With this exam, companies can use it for recruitment or promotion processes because it assesses and values the English language on a corporative level.
BULATS is a three-part exam that can be combined and even organized according to specific needs.
1. Reading and Listening
Although it is divided into seven parts, it doesn't present a standard number of questions because the exam's software automatically understands your proficiency level according to your answers. You will read an estimated number of 250 words during this section.
While taking the test, you might face a question or task to highlight for your skills development. From here, the system will lower the level until it finds your standard.
2. Speaking
This section includes an assessment through oral expression. In it, you will answer questions and be recorded through your computer’s microphone. These questions are related to commerce, travel and business, publicity, and sales.
3. Writing
This part is divided into two moments and is also related to topics like business, travel, and commerce.
In this part, you will type your answers using the computer's keyboard. The system will record your written responses and will send it to the examiners. You'll write an estimated number of 50 to 60 words.
Here are some other important aspects of this exam.